Increase your profit with AI based pricing

Get optimal prices for 1000s of SKUs quickly and easily.

Save time

Boost Profits

Ensure your next sale is as successful
as True Classic's last sitewide sale.


Gross Profit per Visitor
vs Av. Previous Sale.

26 hours

Saved monthly through +6000 SKU's
changed automatically.

True Classic’s commitment to maximizing profitability led us to Aument. Aument have now become an integral part of our pricing & promotion strategy.

Ben Yahalom
President, True Classic

DTC brands use Aument to

Discover, Schedule, and Automate SKU-Level Pricing Strategies

Gain access to exclusive features designed to help your Shopify Plus store thrive.

Maximize Profits
during Promotions

Save hours by letting Aument automatically change prices for you

Reduce conversion dips after promotions

Automate Pricing

  • Change 1000’s SKU prices in seconds.
  • Implement clearance pricing for excess inventory 
  • Apply dynamic pricing to boost sales velocity

How does it work?

Aument AI optimizes pricing for maximum profit during promotions or clearance events by analyzing product views, perceived prices, seasonality, COGS, and inventory.

These brands boost their profits with Aument.

These brands boost their profits with Aument.


losing profits by guessing
your ideal prices


being blind to the effectiveness
of your promotions


wasting time diving
into spreadsheets

Discover how hypergrowth brands maximize profits using AI pricing and promotions.

Ready to see the difference
for your brand?
